Literature and conferences

Is it possible to revolutionize our consumption and our means of production while protecting nature?

Is saving our planet necessarily involve self-flagellation?

Can we convert the environmental and health risks of mineral sectors into a profitable and qualitative resource?

Specialists from all fields prove not only that qualitative growth is not an illusion, but that it is, on the contrary, capable of creating wealth and employment. Replacing what pollutes with what protects the environment, that’s the market of the future.

Emmanuel Hache

Title :

“Is Europe facing critical materials shortages? With Emmanuel Hache and Cédric Philibert”

Aurore Stephant


“Mining rush of the 21st century: how far will the limits be pushed?”

Jean Marc Jancovici

Jean Marc Jancovici


“The endless world”

Emmanuel Hache, Benjamin Louvet

Title :

“Metals, the new black gold. Tomorrow’s shortage?”

Philippe Bihouix

Philippe Bihouix


“What future for metals?”

Gunter Pauli

Gunter Pauli


“The blue economy 3.0”

Bertrand Piccard

Bertrand Piccard


“Let’s be logical as well as ecological”